Dentist – Dr. Alessandro Bracci

 40,98 65,57 TAX escl.

40,98 – 30 min.
65,57 – 60 min.

(Price Tax escluded)



1 Skill: Bruxism

2 Skill: temporomandibular disorders

3 Skill: Minimally invasive dentistry.

4 Skill: Microscopic dentistry


La video consulenza con lo specialista avviene tramite video chiamata con WhatsApp, FaceTime da smartphone oppure tramite PC con Meet o Zoom in base alle esigenze dell’utente.

Una volta acquistato il ticket, l’utente riceve il n° di telefono della segreteria personale del professionista attraverso la quale può fissare un’appuntamento nell’orario concordato.

  • Adjunct professor in “Gnathology of parafunctions” at the Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Padua.
  • Member of the International Board “Bruxism Consensus Panel” within the International Association for Dental Research, (London 2018, Vancouver 2019, ACTA 2020,Boston 2021) and the International Network for Orofacial Pain and Related Disorders Methodology (INFORM)
  • Responsible and coordinator, together with Prof. D. Manfredini, of the International Multicenter Research Projects “AWAKE BRUXISM ASSESSMENT AND CLINICAL CORRELATES” and ” BRUXISM: CURRENT CHALLANGES AND INNOVATIVE TREATMENT” as guest editors of the Journal of Clinical Medicine.
  • Co-author of the 2017/18/19/20/21/22/23 guidelines of the British Medical Journal in the monograph “Best Practice/Point of Care-bruxism.”
  • Winner of the “Alex-Motsch-Preis 2018” award for best scientific article 2018 on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Funktionsdiagnostik und-therapie.
  • Founding member and vice president of the Italian Study Group for Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (GSID)
  • Speaker at national courses and conferences on bruxism issues.
  • Author of publications on bruxism in prestigious international journals


Bruxism has a multi-factorial etiology, that is, it depends on various causes, and within certain values, it is physiological!

But when the patient is already exhibiting symptomatology or premonitory signs, consultation with a specialist may be needed to make a true differential diagnosis of his or her disorders, and only an Experienced Dentist can do that.

Testing with the BruxApp Cloud platform generates a lot of data that, if necessary, can be analyzed and evaluated with the advice of specialists on the ground or in Tele-consulting online you can so easily receive an initial assessment.

The dentist, for his part, will be able to see your test results, comment on the graphs, and have you fill out a special medical history chart aimed at evaluating Bruxism, and then discuss it together.