Welcome to BruxApp Cloud!
The only worldwide platform for BRUXISM
Now you can evaluate and manage it, with a simple Smartphone!
BruxApp is a medical device which allows you to assess waking bruxism yourself,
manage it with expert help and restore your well-being.
Bruxism is not just teeth grinding:
It can manifest itself in many ways!
Problems with muscles
- Pain in the jaw muscles?
- Pain in the neck muscles?
- Muscle fatigue when chewing?
- Jaw muscle stiffness in the morning?
- Feeling tired upon waking?
- Difficulty opening your mouth in the morning?
Teeth problems
- Worn teeth?
- Teeth with chips and cracks?
- Teeth with non-accidental fractures?
- Fillings, bridges or implants that fail?
- Toothache in the morning?
- Hypersensitivity of teeth?
- Pain in the temples?
- Forehead pain?
- Pain in the ear area?
- Pain in the eyebrow arches?
- Feeling of heaviness or like having your head in a vice?
- Neck pain?
Joint problems in the mouth
- Pain in the joints of the mouth?
- Noises in the joint?
- Joint snapping or popping?
- Difficulty chewing hard foods?
- Difficulty opening your mouth in the morning?
- Locked mouth opening?
With BruxApp Cloud
✅ Learn self-awareness
✅ Discover your muscle tensions
✅ Find out your level of psycho-emotional tension
✅ You have the tools you need to keep bruxism under control
✅ You have a direct line to a network of specialists
Now you can evaluate and manage it, with a simple Smartphone!

Are you a dentist or physiotherapist?
Enter the professional area and find out how to be part of our network and the OFP Academy.
Bruxapp Cloud is a class 1 medical device
BruxApp Cloud is not just an App, but a Healthcare Technology (Digital Health) platform entirely dedicated to bruxism. It consists of a Web App and a Smartphone App with certification as a class 1 medical device, officially registered with the Ministry of Health
BruxApp Cloud puts you in touch with the professionals
BruxApp Cloud is not just a gadget, but much more! It is a platform with a solid scientific basis, which can help you assess and manage your waking bruxism. Used worldwide by patients, dentists, physiotherapists and researchers, it has already been translated into 23 languages
BruxApp’s numbers