The network of dentists with expertise in bruxism
Referring dentists nearest to you, should your bruxism require specialized medical advice.

In some cases, the specialist advice of a dentist experienced in bruxism remains vital in order to arrive at a medical diagnosis.
Diagnosis serves to differentiate bruxism from other similar pathologies and to identify the correct treatment plan, which must always be individualised.

Each patient has unique dynamics and reacts to treatments differently. An experienced dentist is able to make a correct diagnosis and the right approach by suggesting alternative treatment plans for more complex cases.
BruxApp Cloud gives you the opportunity to find your nearest bruxism dentist.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Italian Study Group on Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (GSID), our registered dentists have completed training and continuing education programmes in Bruxism, Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain at the Orofacial Pain Academy under the direction of Prof. Daniele Manfredini, one of the leading international experts in the field.

Are you a dentist?
Log in to the dedicated area and find out how to join the
BruxApp Cloud network and the OroFacial Pain Academy