Scientific Research
A network of international researchers to solve your bruxism problems
Our international team of specialists and researchers became the first to devise a scientifically based app dedicated to bruxism in 2017. We conducted four years of clinical studies with a specific version for research areas (BruxApp Research)
Thanks to more than 50,000 downloads of the trial version, we were able to test the application up to the current BruxApp Cloud version, with a centralised online server that remains the only one of its kind in the world.
Today, BruxApp Cloud is recognised as a Class 1 medical device. We have specific research programmes using the platform in 7 universities worldwide, and 30 scientific publications in prestigious international journals.
The EMA by smartphone principles, used by BruxApp, have become part of the diagnostic criteria within the STAB (Standardised Tool for the Assessment of Bruxism) officially presented at the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
BruxApp is translated into 10 languages and used by thousands of dentists worldwide to assess and manage their patients’ bruxism. Specifically, it is the reference tool for awake bruxism with the aim of becoming the reference tool for sleeping bruxism as well.

Scientific Research
With its data collection platform via a centralised online server, BruxApp Cloud is becoming the world’s largest bruxism epidemiological research tool.
Our aim is to broaden the horizons of scientific research on bruxism and temporomandibular disorders to include different geographical areas with a truly worldwide view.
The data collected via BruxApp are essential for studying the epidemiology of bruxism at the individual level (case series) and in the general population (cross-sectional and longitudinal, large-scale surveys). The latter will benefit from the platform’s multi-language channels.
The result is the ability to co-ordinate multicentre investigations and cross-cultural comparisons that were previously unimaginable. The project will therefore provide a global understanding of the prevalence and significance of bruxism, an emerging phenomenon that is becoming increasingly important today.
In this regard, in cooperation with the Journal of Clinical Medicine, we also launched the project “Bruxism: current challenges and innovative treatment” to study the epidemiology and new frontiers of diagnosis and treatment of bruxism and temporomandibular disorders.
A scientific project of spontaneous aggregation and cooperation of esteemed international researchers dedicated to the study and collection of epidemiological data in the various countries of origin, it was developed and coordinated by Prof. Daniele Manfredini, one of the leading international experts in the field, member of the International Consensus Group (which defined and classified Bruxism in 2013 and 2017 in San Francisco) and the current coordinator of the International Board “Bruxism Consensus Panel” IADR/INFORM. Holder of the Chair of Stomatognathic Physiology at CLOPD – University of Siena.

Daniele Manfredini
School of Dentistry, Department of Biomedical Technologies, University of Siena, Siena, Italy.

Alessandro Bracci
School of Dentistry, Department of Neuroscience, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Alona Emodi-Perlman
The Goldeshelager School of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Tel-Aviv, Israel.