Take your TEST!
Evaluate and manage waking bruxism with BruxApp Cloud directly from your smartphone!
The platform is a class 1 medical device and the test complies with international guidelines on the evaluation of bruxism (Standardised Tool for the Assessment of Bruxism).
Start now, just three steps!
1. Download BruxApp
BruxApp is available on the App Store and Google Play. Once the app is downloaded, an intuitive guide and a VIDEO TUTORIAL will help you set up the functions and activate the test.
BruxApp only records bruxism conditions, and does not access any archives on your phone.
If necessary, at the end of the test, you can take advantage of a management programme for your bruxism to keep it under control over time.

2. Take your 7-day test
The test lasts 7 days because BruxApp has to assess your bruxism condition at various times of the day, at work and at the weekend.
Once the app has been set up, the test will start within a matter of minutes. At the times you have selected, you will receive random notifications to which you must reply within 5 minutes.
At the end of the period, based on the data collected, BruxApp will provide a preliminary evaluation of your bruxism condition according to 5 degrees. On your online account, you can read all the details of the result and find information on how to deal with bruxism.
ATTENTION: The definitive diagnosis rests solely with the doctor or dentist! Using the BruxApp, you can request an online consultation with an expert as initial assistance to discuss and investigate your specific case.
3. If necessary, ask our experts for help
If the preliminary assessment indicates a bruxism condition for which a clinical course is necessary, don’t worry! You can request an online TELECONSULTATION, as a preliminary step to discuss and investigate your specific case, or you can choose to visit a dentist with expertise in bruxism in person: you will find a list and the profile of the professionals closest to you.
Thanks to the collaboration with the Italian Study Group on Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (GSID), the dentists registered on the platform have all completed training and continuing education programmes in bruxism, temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain at the Orofacial Pain Academy, under the direction of Prof. Daniele Manfredini, one of the leading international experts in the field.
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